Vancouver Climate Strike 2019
Portraits of the passionate protestors at the Climate Strike in Vancouver on September 27th, 2019. Selected quotes from local strikers and global climate change activists.
“The Climate is Changing, So Should We”
“We all recognize the catastrophic, irreversible damage animal agriculture is having on the planet and its inhabitants…We are a love-based movement. We’re bringing together individuals, experts, and organizations across Canada concerned about the environment, health, and animal rights to put pressure on the government to stop the multi-billion dollar subsidies that go to animal agriculture.” - Nation Rising, Non-Partisan Political Advocacy Group
“I attended the strike on September 27, 2019 because I believe in world change. Not only are our ecosystems collapsing, but our world is slowly taking part in a severe issue. I don’t think it’s too late to change lots of things. We as humans don’t want to miss our chance in changing our mistakes and actions, I believe we can change our environment, choose wisely and be more sustainable!” – Chlöe Gleitman, Vancouver Protestor
“Let us remember our privilege for being here and the work of hundreds of indigenous activists before us. We strike because we can.” - Isra Hirsi, Co-founder and co-executive director of U.S. Youth Climate Strike
“Mother Earth doesn’t need us, but we need her” – Autumn Peltier, Anishinabek Nation Chief Water Commissioner
“There’s a common saying among us Inuit, Tamanna Anigutilarmijuq, which means “This too shall pass.” I took solace in this thought. And in the belief that these moments, when life seems to be breaking down, often signal that we are on the edge of a breakthrough in our lives.” - Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Environmental & Human Rights Activist
“Animal Rebellion is a mass movement of volunteers from all walks of life that calls for a transition to a just, sustainable plant-based food system, and an end to the animal faming and fishing industries.” - Animal Rebellion, Climate Activism Group
“Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Writer & Plant Ecologist
Thank you to all that participated in this portrait series. I hope to continue this series at future marches and share more stories from the people striking for their future. Thank you to Antonia Ramirez for capturing these portraits, to Brightside Cinema for the use of their camera and to Pacific Backlot for their generous donation of equipment. Additionally, thanks to Sophia Joyce, Erik Morden and Alex Thrower for assisting on this project.